“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”
- APA. Williams, M. (2004). The Velveteen Rabbit. Egmont Books.
Renee Cassidy
Accredited Mental Health Social Worker/Counsellor
EMDR Accredited Practitioner
I provide support for people living with symptoms of C/PTSD & PTSD.
When we are not able to connect with other’s during traumatic experiences, we can experience an ongoing trauma response, experiencing flashbacks, overwhelm, hypervigilence, anxiety, stress and depression.
The symptoms can worsen over time and shut us down or make us nervous and uncomfortable to enjoy the things we were able to enjoy previously.
We feel as though we don’t have control, no matter how hard we do try to manage the symptoms.
I provide therapeutic support to assist in identifying and resolving past trauma experiences that impact upon all parts of life.
Once you are no longer impacted by past trauma experiences, your emotional and social wellbeing improves, and symptoms of distress (stress), anxiety, depression, hypervigilence, rumination, overwhelm and flashbacks subside, enabling you to be present in your life.
Individual treatment plans are developed to target your specific needs.
I draw upon my 20 years + experience to ensure your experience in the counselling space is affirming for your specific needs.
I provide somatic based therapies alongside other modalities.
I use EMDR, DNMS, Ego State Therapy, Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), Imagery Rescripting, Schema Therapy, Family Therapy as well as provide skills training and psychoeducation.
I am trained to consider and draw upon neuroscience/neuroanatomy research and theories to ensure an all of system approach is part of my treatment planning and support.
I am an EMDRAA Accredited EMDR practitioner.
I provide support for C/PTSD, PTSD, ADHD/AuADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Dissociation, Attachment Wounds/Shocks, Childhood Abuse, Domestic Violence, Suicidal Thoughts, Addictions, Relationship Breakdowns, Workplace Issues.
Just Notice facilitates ADHD/AuADHD education workshops in Busselton and throughout the South West.
I am a neuroaffirming practitioner, with lived experience.
I also provide Clinical Supervision for Accredited Mental Health Social Workers and Counsellors and anyone in Human Services
Medicare Rebates Available
Contact Renee today on:
m: 0484 144 417
e: renee@justnotice.com.au
Level 1, Suite 9/21 Napolean Promenade
NDIS Provider