“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”

- APA. Williams, M. (2004). The Velveteen Rabbit. Egmont Books.

Renee Cassidy


EMDR Accredited Practitioner

I provide psychological support to assist symptoms of C/PTSD & PTSD that come about due to adverse experiences throughout the lifespan when we do not have our needs met, like when we are children and at other times in our lives when we do not attune with others and a trauma memory is formed. I provide support to assist in recovery from memories, flashbacks and symptoms from experiences from the past that intrude on our lives in the here and now. Once you are no longer impacted by past trauma experiences, your emotional and social wellbeing improves, and symptoms of distress (stress), anxiety, and depression reduce, enabling you to remain focussed and present in your world. Repairing core beliefs also assists in your recovery because when we are hurt we want to make sense of the world and ourselves in the world and we develop beliefs about ourselves such as “I am not good enough, I am not important, I am not safe”. When we are able to change core beliefs we are no longer triggered by the narrative that we previously believed about who we are and how we think other people see us.

I develop individual treatment plans using SIP case conceptualisation and this incorporates assessing the impact that life experiences have upon the Poly Vagal Network (fright, flight, fight, fawn, collapse) AIP model (assessment protocol for EMDR) along with attachment styles, in order to develop a treatment plan that incorporates an all of mind and body approach to recovery. I am trained in EMDR, DNMS, Ego State Therapy, Imagery Rescripting, Schema Therapy and Deep Brain Reorienting (a somatic approach to recovery) because it is the body that re-members trauma and responds accordingly because the thinking mind is not involved in body responses to trauma so we do not have control over the way our body responds to the information that is held in our nervous system as the information is templated deep within our brainstem, hence words are not often necessary for recovery. I am an EMDRAA Accredited EMDR therapist and this means that I access training regularly and have a comprehensive understanding of EMDR, when to use EMDR in the therapeutic room and interweave EMDR with other counselling modalities once stabilisation has been assured. I have a Medicare Provider Number so with a GP referral you will receive a Medicare Rebate. I can assist you with other issues such a Post Natal Depression, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Dissociation, Attachment Wounds, Childhood Abuse, Domestic Violence, Suicidal Thoughts, Addictions, Relationship Breakdowns, Workplace Issues, and my practice is neuro affirming. I also provide Clinical Supervision for Accredited Mental Health Social Workers, Counsellors and anyone in Human Services

Medicare Rebates Available

NDIS Provider