(Parts work)

I completed a two year post graduate in family therapy at William Street Family Therapy Centre, Mt Lawley, Western Australia in 2016. The training gave me a solid platform and consolidated my learning in order to provide psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families. Family therapy honours the systems approach in providing psychological as it is based upon the premise that when people have experienced adverse life experiences as a result of not having needs met by others, or have not been supported by others after an event has occurred, we can experience a trauma response, because we are mammals and we need secure attachments in our midbrain in order for memories of past events to be processed properly and not become a trauma memory.

Family Therapy is a psychological therapy that works to change the relationships within families to help them develop skills and strategies to assist in the resolution of issues within the family unit resulting in better attachments for family members. This is called a systemic approach to psychotherapy; assisting clients to draw upon the premise that families, couples and individuals are all influenced by each other, events and circumstances that occur within their environment and external to the family environment, and these factors greatly influence the way in which family’s cope and how each person behaves toward one another and develops views about themselves individually within the family system.

I also work from the premise that within each person there is a system that exists. We have different parts that have been developed overtime to enable us to deal with different environments, such as work, personal relationships, intimate relationships, as well as parts that developed when we were younger to assist us in understanding the world and the way we we experienced attachment’s with care givers. If these attachment relationships did not provide sound attachments for us when we were younger, we end up with protective parts that watch out and keep us protected from anything that may somehow remind our protective younger parts of how we did not have our needs met when we were younger. So whilst these younger parts are doing their best to protect us from further hurt, it often results in us experiencing things such as dissociation because when a younger part jumps in to protect it feels like our adult self is being pushed aside, and sometimes it results in us not being able to remember what has happened when a child protector part takes over. I consider and incorporate this information in order to heal these parts prior to resolving current trauma’s because these sneaky younger parts will try and undo any work that is done on current issues if they are not resolved prior. I use Deep Brain Reorienting, Ego State Therapy and Imagery Rescripting to assist in this recovery and then move onto EMDR to resolve recovery for adult wounds.

Ego State Therapy is another parts-based psychodynamic approach to treat various behavioural and cognitive problems within a person. It uses techniques that are common in group and family therapy, but with an individual patient, to resolve conflicts that manifest in a "family of self" within a single individual.